With the Olympic games just around the corner, I thought I would share with you the 5 tips I spoke about in a recent hockey camp with a group of around 30 kids between the ages of 8-15. The same principles that work for achieving one’s goals in a sport are also applicable for any our life pursuits.
- The obstacles to setting goals are the fear of failure, the fear of not having what it will take, and the fear of what other people will think.
- “If you aim for nothing you will accomplish nothing.”
- Set SMART goals: Specific, Motivational, Accountable, Realistic, and Timely.
- Other words for passion are energy, motivation, zest, intensity, and charisma.
- Your passions are the things you love to do without being told.
- They are the talents you have been given.
- They are the interests or dreams you have.
- PASSION KILLERS IN YOUR LIFE: Apathy, Naysayers in your life or Negative voices, Disappointment, Mediocrity and Grumbling or Complaining.
- “Pursuing your purpose with passion will mean pressing through pain.”
- “Anything worth doing will cost you something.”
- What are the problems, obstacles or hard things that you are facing right now that you think are keeping you from going for purposes or goals?
- We need mentors and heroes who have been through some pain to reach their purposes
- We need people who will cheer us on when the going gets tough and tell us that we have what it takes.
- List 5 people that inspire you and the 5 qualities about these people that attract you to them.
- These same characteristics that you like in your mentors or heroes are resident within you.
- Mentors or Heroes will: Call us out, Coach us, Correct us, Comfort us, and Coax us out of the nest.
- Other words for perseverance are tenacity, finishing strong, resiliency, and determination.
- “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.” Malcolm Gladwell
- It takes 10,000 hours or 10 years of practice to become proficient at a skill or talent.
- “Practice is those things you do when know one else is watching.”
- “To the degree we prepare and practice, we can improvise, be spontaneous, and intuitive in a sport and the game of life.”